Geography is the study of places and the interaction between people and their environments. At Hampstead Parochial School we aim for the study of geography to develop children’s understanding of their place in the local environment as well as the wider world.

Our curriculum starts in Early Years and Key Stage 1 by understanding the local environment – Hampstead, the city of London and where it is in relation to the rest of the world. By Key Stage 2, the children will extend their understanding by looking at the range of environments in other parts of the world – focusing on both the human and physical geography.
Throughout their time at HPS, children will learn to answer questions such as – where is this place? What is it like? How is it different to where I live? How is it changing and why? They will also learn fieldwork skills such as reading maps, using compasses, careful observation of different environments and starting to use digital technology to enhance their geographical understanding.
The study of geography will help children to understand the world that they live in and inspire them to contribute to making a more sustainable world.