Our School Improvement Plan has been informed by our school improvement partners: Grow Education and our Camden Professional Partner and by on-going review and self-evaluation led by the Senior Leadership team.
Quality of Education
Continue to provide and enhance the broad and balanced curriculum with clear and shared core drivers so that it inspires pupils to learn and provides them with wider opportunities to excel in all areas of the curriculum.
Ensure all areas of the curriculum are thoroughly reviewed by subject leaders and that a clear underlying curriculum intent is planned and embedded. Planning is consistent across the school and demonstrates clear progression in knowledge and skills.
Continue to identify any gaps in a child’s reading, with a rigorous focus on phonics and early reading, to ensure that targeted support is put in place.
Maintain excellence in RE curriculum provision as recognized in SIAMS inspection November 2019.
Continue to maintain the excellence in attainment and progress achieved over the past 4 years
Set ambitious targets for every child and use progress meetings throughout the year to ensure children remain on track to meet them.
Continue to identify any gaps in a child’s learning and ensure that the correct support is put in place following the loss of school during COVID.
Ensure a consistent approach and shared understanding of high-quality teaching & learning is sustained following changes to staffing through clear induction, coaching and mentoring and rigorous monitoring.
Leadership & Management
Ensure the Christian Vision continues to drive all aspects of school life and has a profound impact on all within the HPS community.
Focus on continuing to develop all teachers as effective curriculum leaders, through well planned CPD, coaching and mentoring..
Reflect and evaluate new learning from the period of part school closure and home learning in order to plan for the future.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes
Continue to develop understanding of Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 21) with a particular focus on peer on peer abuse.
Continue to build on previous mental health staff training and parent workshops; providing support and advice for staff, parents and children. Support for children returning to school.
Respond to “imahrs” mental health report.
Christian Character and Vision
Revisit the Christian Vision with staff on the inset day.
Termly meetings with clergy and SLT used to plan and evaluate collective worship.