Our Home School Agreement has been put into place to ensure that all the stakeholders at the school – the staff, children and parents – are all moving forwards in the same direction.

The school will… The child will… The parent will…
Start and finish the day promptly Ensure my child attends school on time every day
Follow up on all absences Attend school on time every day Inform the school promptly if my child is unwell
Make every day important for children’s learning Avoid taking my children on holiday during school terms
Provide clear information about activities at school and what children will need Ensure my child wears school uniform, has PE kit as needed and brings his/her book bag to school each day


Care for your child’s health, safety and wellbeing Bring all the equipment I need to school every day Stay with my child (up to Year 5) until school starts in the morning
Pass on to parents any issues that may affect a child’s welfare or progress Let the school know of any issues that may affect my child’s welfare or progress


Make sure children understand what is expected of them and use rewards and sanctions fairly Listen to what I am asked to do and do my best to keep to school rules Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
Set an example of high standards of personal behaviour Show respect to my school, my friends and the adults who help me learn


Help my child understand what is expected at school
Take responsibility for my actions Behave in a way that children see as a good example while I am on school premises
Ensure every child is taught in an appropriate and challenging way Discuss with my child’s teacher if I have concerns about progress
Provide a balanced curriculum Do all my class work and homework as well as I can Allow my child to attend school visits not involving transport
Give regular homework Support my child in homework and out of school activities
Keep parents well informed about your child’s progress and general school matters Attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress
Seek to have strong, productive relationships with parents Join in as much as I can across school life to help develop my confidence Get to know about school life through the newsletters and class noticeboard
Be open and welcoming at all times Support school and PTA events