CGP Home Learning Workbooks are used as part of home learning for Years 1 – 6. There is a book each for SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), comprehension and mathematics. Each Friday homework tasks will be sent home that may include some of these books. Additionally, spelling and number champions home learning will be sent home. Reading should be taking place every day – with reading diaries filled in on a daily basis. Some weeks project-based homework will replace workbook home learning.

CGP is the UK’s largest provider of educational books. Workbooks are linked directly to the national curriculum objectives for each year book. Work set should, where possible, be completed independently. As a guide, each task should take no longer than 15 minutes. Tasks are set, with the aim of consolidating previous learning. Answers are provided in the back of books to inform parents and children of their progress. If children have made mistakes, where possible they should try to work out the mistake themselves.

Please find attached useful links, categorised by year group, to support and extend home learning tasks.