At Hampstead Parochial, children receive 2 hours of PE a week; one session taught by a specialist coach, and the other by their class teacher. Throughout their time at school, the children have a wide range of opportunities to develop their core skills and knowledge in the variety of areas listed below:
- Dance
- Orienteering
- Invasion Games
- Net Games
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding
- Swimming
- Gymnastics
As well as acquiring a wide range of skills and knowledge, the children are also given opportunities to develop many transferrable, key skills such as: sportsmanship, communication, team work, problem solving and development of specific, technical vocabulary.
We use local facilities such as Hampstead Heath and a local sports centres to add to our PE lessons through sporting opportunities in KS2. Swimming is taught over Years 3 and 4 at UCS swimming pool and outdoor and adventurous activities are taught through our Year 6 school journey and orienteering activities on Hampstead Heath.
Our curriculum teaching is enriched considerably by a wide-ranging after school club offer, including physical activity clubs for all ages each term, and entries into many KS2 competitive and inclusive tournaments.