Promoting British Values
In line with the Department for Education’s guidance, Hampstead Parochial Primary School actively promotes key British Values:
Pupils engage in democratic processes, such as decision-making at class and school levels. Our Behaviour Policy reinforces the importance of fairness and social responsibility.
The Rule of Law
Children are taught about responsibility and the importance of rules, consequences, and personal safety. Visits from the Police and Fire Service further reinforce these messages.
Individual Liberty
Pupils are encouraged to make choices in a safe and supportive environment, understanding their personal rights and freedoms through our PSHE and e-Safety lessons.
Mutual Respect
Respect is embedded in our school ethos and reinforced through assemblies, class expectations, and PE lessons. We celebrate teamwork, fair play, and the importance of respect in all interactions.
Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We promote an understanding of diversity through visits, visitors, and a well-rounded RE curriculum that celebrates different cultures, faiths, and beliefs.