Here at Hampstead Parochial School, we expect both high standards of behaviour from adults and children at all times as well as encouraging children to develop the vital skills of self-discipline and self-control.
The children are given carefully planned opportunities to take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning and we help children to resolve their differences and conflicts in constructive ways so that they may learn the skills to do so independently. Our emphasis is on rewards, praise and building self-esteem.
We have a system of behaviour levels where certain behaviour triggers different responses. If a child’s behaviour reaches goes beyond level 1 they are asked to complete an incident form and their name is entered into the Incident Book. A copy of the incident form is sent home to parents and the child is sent to speak to a member of the senior leadership team.
Children are encouraged to report incidents of bad behaviour and these incidents are recorded and dealt with firmly and consistently. Our sanctions range from missing playtimes to, ultimately, exclusion from school for persistent or extreme misbehaviour. We always work closely with parents to resolve difficulties at an early stage and will ask to meet parents if a child received three incident forms in one half term.