Spirituality at Hampstead Parochial School

Spirituality enables us to become aware of God, ourselves, one another, and the world around us. It is an ongoing, reflective journey throughout which we form our responses to what we encounter along the way.

Our Approach to Spiritual Development

At Hampstead Parochial School, our Christian vision, ‘Educating for life in all its fullness,’ underpins all that we do. We aim to enable everyone within our community to flourish and enjoy a life filled with meaning and purpose, rooted in Christian values, a love of learning, and an eagerness to make the world a better place together. As John 10:10 states, ‘I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.’

Relationships are central to spiritual development at Hampstead Parochial School. Our relationships shape our sense of worth and are vital to our well-being, wholeness, and self-image. We aim to nurture relationships that demonstrate that everyone is significant, fostering a sense of self-worth in our pupils. A strong sense of self-worth is essential to a pupil’s attitude toward learning and is the foundation upon which meaningful relationships with others and the wider world are built. We want all our pupils to understand that they are “wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and are deeply loved by God.

Reflecting on how we relate to ‘the other’ is also central to spiritual development at Hampstead Parochial School, whether that be with other members of our community, the environment around us, or with God. It is the understanding that we are part of something greater than ourselves and that we each have a role in shaping the future.

Spiritual Development – Windows, Mirrors, and Doors

Our school’s deeply embedded Christian vision guides us in ensuring that our pupils experience ‘life in all its fullness.’ Just as the body has needs that must be met for healthy growth, so does the spirit. We strive to educate the whole child by offering a broad, enriched curriculum that fosters appreciation and a deep sense of wonder at what is good, joyful, truthful, and beautiful. Moments of discovery, creativity, and awe can serve as powerful catalysts for spiritual growth. Therefore, we intentionally create opportunities for our pupils to experience these regularly throughout their time at Hampstead Parochial. These experiences, which provide fresh perspectives on the world, are often described as ‘windows.’

Subject leaders have carefully mapped opportunities for spiritual development across the curriculum. We have also designed encounters that challenge and encourage pupils to reflect on themselves, others, the world, beauty, and the beyond. Pupils are given regular opportunities to reflect both individually and in groups. These moments of reflection enable pupils to see things more clearly, ask meaningful questions, and develop thoughtful responses to ideas, experiences, and challenges. Daily acts of collective worship and Religious Education lessons provide time for pupils of all faiths to consider their individual responses to life’s big questions. Listening to different perspectives is key to fostering healthy relationships, and we ensure that our curriculum includes structured opportunities for pupils to engage with diverse viewpoints. These moments of reflection are referred to as ‘mirrors.’

Spiritual development occurs when a pupil’s responses to ideas, situations, and experiences demonstrate a growing understanding of their relationship with God, others, and the world around them. Pupils are encouraged to respond to these experiences in meaningful ways, whether by making positive changes in their own behaviour, developing more nuanced attitudes, allowing for differences of opinion, or taking on additional responsibilities. Spiritual development is also evident in purposeful responses to an encounter, whether through the arts, acts of service, or expressions of generosity. These experiences, which invite pupils to take action, are referred to as ‘doors.’

Spirituality across the School and Curriculum

Please see documents linked below for an overview of Spirituality at Hampstead Parochial School and in our curriculum.

Spirituality in our School

Spirituality in our Curriculum

Spirituality in EYFS